O f f i c i a l s |
Rev. Dr. Fr. John Alwyn Dias
Rev. Fr. Robin
D’ Souza
Executive Secretary, CEB |
Fr. Vijesh Loyed Menezes
Treasurer, CFSS . |
Fr. Dominic Sunil Lobo
Principal |
News and Events
Investiture Ceremony : Trinity Central School
To provide leadership opportunities to the students, the
school cabinet was formed through election. The school held
the Investiture ceremony with great enthusiasm on
23-06-2017. It was a solemn occasion where young students
were all prepared to don the mantle of leadership and
discharge the responsibilities entrusted upon them. The
event was animated by our principal Rev. Fr. Anil D’costa.
Dr Gerald Pinto, the former principal of Milagres College
was the chief guest. Vice Principal of the school Rev. Fr.
Wilson sequeira, Correspondent of the school Rev. Fr. Claud
Mascarehnas, the Academic Co-ordinator Mrs. Magdalina Lenris
were present on the dais. The SPL, ASPL along with the
office bearers and the House leaders marched towards the
dais for the oath taking ceremony. They were then honored by
pinning the badges and handing over the flags by the chief
guest of the day Dr. Gerald Pinto who in his address
emphasized the need of giving democratic education in the
school. The program came to a halt with the National Anthem.