O f f i c i a l s |
Rev. Dr. Fr. John Alwyn Dias
Rev. Fr. Robin
D’ Souza
Executive Secretary, CEB |
Fr. Vijesh Loyed Menezes
Treasurer, CFSS . |
Fr. Dominic Sunil Lobo
Principal |
News and Events
After the first term examination it was time to break for
dasara holidays. But a day prior on 6th October 2018, Parent
Teachers Gathering was organized at Trinity Central School.
A motivational session on ‘positive parenting’ was
organized, in which the speaker Mrs. Soujanya Shetty a noted
Psychiatrist highlighted the areas of concern in bringing up
children. She also directed all the young couples on how to
handle their children with their needs and guide them to
take proper decisions related to studies. Soon after the
session Rev. Fr. Anil D’Costa, the Principal spoke to the
parents and highlighted the events in a sequence that will
be held in 2nd Semester. Rev. Fr. Claud Mascarenhas , the
Correspondent, Rev. Fr. Ravi Rajesh, the Administrator,
Maxim D’souza, PTA President, Ms. Magdelina Lewis, the
Academic Co-ordinator, Ms. Archana Shetty, the Pre-Primary
Section Head, the staff and a huge crowd of parents attended
the session.
Later the parents moved towards their ward’s classrooms in
order to meet the teachers and collect the results.