O f f i c i a l s |
Rev. Dr. Fr. John Alwyn Dias
Rev. Fr. Robin
D’ Souza
Executive Secretary, CEB |
Fr. Vijesh Loyed Menezes
Treasurer, CFSS . |
Fr. Dominic Sunil Lobo
Principal |
News and Events
Finding wealth in the waste!
Gold is mined out from beneath the coarse and rough
earth. Great sculptures are chiselled out of rugged marble
blocks. A thing considered as waste and useless may turn out
to be something valuable and precious, provided a creative
mind looks at it and a skillful hand shapes it. That is what
happened in the ‘Trinitorium’ today as all the Trinitarians
rolled up their sleeves to transform waste into wealth. The
ground initially was strewn with all sorts of garbage but
gradually the waste began to take different forms; vibrant
in colour, creative in its making and useful in their own
ways. Welcome to behold the spectacle! The ‘waste’ once and
‘wealth’ now welcomes you with glowing smile to behold the
work of our hands.